I get to be knocked out and have 3 things done: 1. Hysteroscopy 2. D & C 3. Laproscopy proceedure.
He still thinks there is something wrong there Dr. Kringle is going to look inside and outside of my uterus. Hmmmm... I'm more afraid of him finding anything remotely 'bad'. There is a definite blockage in my left fallopian tube and another doctor suggested that it might be backed up menstral gunk. "In the many years of practicing, I've never heard of such a thing! I must have missed THAT lecture. But who knows... "
Eegads! I'm going to be a human pin cushion!
In other news, Becca is coming to my house on Monday morning to do a homestudy. I'm glad Ethan doesn't have school that morning so we'll both be there. I know its not necessary, but now I feel like I need to clean EVERY single nook and cranny of my house!!! You know, dust the baseboards and all the light bulbs, straighten the CD rack and hanged pictures, scrape under the stove burners and the gook behind the toilet, etc. etc. etc. As if Becca is going to have this pristine white glove ready and go over every little detail, "OH...MY...GOD!!! A child couldn't possibly live in this kind of environment!! Look at those dust bunnies!!!!" Ok, so thats a little too psycho... but I still feel like doing it. I wonder if any other potential adoptive moms have thought the same?